Directories | |
directory | datatypes |
directory | pputils |
directory | solver_interfaces |
Files | |
file | advance_field_mod.F90 |
Advance fields in time. | |
file | array_mod.F90 |
Data module containing various arrays. | |
file | basic_mod.F90 |
Basic module for time dependent problems. | |
file | boundary_mod.F90 |
Module for boundary conditions. | |
file | cuda_func.h |
file | data_transfer_mod.F90 |
Implement interfaces for routines used to transfer data between plasma and neutrals. | |
file | diagnose_mod.F90 |
Module for diagnostic routines. | |
file | equilibrium_mod.F90 |
file | fields_mod.F90 |
Data module for evolved fields. | |
file | ghosts_mod.F90 |
Communicate two extra buffer zones needed for using left/right FD schemes in parallel gradients routines. | |
file | grad.h |
file | grad_cuda_mod.F90 |
file | grad_fd4.h |
file | gradients_mod.F90 |
file | initial_par_mod.F90 |
file | initial_state_mod.F90 |
file | input_reader_mod.F90 |
file | iostate_mod.F90 |
Reads state of simulation system from hdf5 restart file. | |
file | main.F90 |
Main program. | |
file | memory_mod.F90 |
Define and allocate memory. | |
file | model_mod.F90 |
Module for diagnostic parameters. | |
file | mpi_precomp.h |
file | neutrals_interface_mod.F90 |
file | neutrals_interpolation_mod.F90 |
Module for neutrals interpolation. | |
file | neutrals_mod.F90 |
Module for neutrals. | |
file | neutrals_par_mod.F90 |
file | neutrals_synchronization_mod.F90 |
Define various routines to ensure proper synchronization between the neutrals and the plasma. | |
file | numerics_mod.F90 |
Computation helpers for gradients and interpolations to be used in the plasma RHS equations. | |
file | omega_eq_rhs.F90 |
file | parallel_env_mod.F90 |
Manage the parallel environments. | |
file | parallel_mod.F90 |
Parallel module. | |
file | poisson_strmf.F90 |
file | poisson_vparepsi.F90 |
file | prec_const_mod.F90 |
Define constants. | |
file | restart_mod.F90 |
Module for reading and writing restart files. | |
file | run_controller_mod.F90 |
file | sources_mod.F90 |
file | space_grid_mod.F90 |
Grid module for spatial discretization. | |
file | specfun_mod.F90 |
Provide special mathematical functions. | |
file | state_machine_mod.F90 |
Provide class emulating a state machine for the neutrals synchronization. | |
file | stepon.F90 |
Advance one time stepP. | |
file | tempe_eq_rhs.F90 |
file | tempi_eq_rhs.F90 |
file | tesend.F90 |
Test for run completion. | |
file | theta_eq_rhs.F90 |
file | time_integration_mod.F90 |
Set up variables and routines related to time integration. | |
file | timer_mod.F90 |
Module for timing program. | |
file | timers_profile_mod.F90 |
file | utility_mod.F90 |
file | verification_mod.F90 |
Variables and functions for the verification. | |
file | vpare_eq_rhs.F90 |
file | vpari_eq_rhs.F90 |