integer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::ntimelevel_rhs =4 |
| number of time levels required for the rhs More...
integer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::updatetlevel |
| time level to be updated More...
integer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::updatetlevel_rhs = 1 |
| time level to be updated for rhs More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::a_e |
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::a_i |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::b_e |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::b_i |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::c_e |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::c_i |
| Coeff for Expl/Implic time integration in case of time dependent RHS (i.e. dy/inputbasicdt = f(y,t)) see Baptiste Frei CSE Rapport 06/17. More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::a_c |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::b |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::k |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::mu |
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, protected | time_integration_mod::nu_c |
real(dp), public, protected | time_integration_mod::w0 |
real(dp), public, protected | time_integration_mod::w1 |
real(dp), public, protected | time_integration_mod::w2 |
Set up variables and routines related to time integration.
- Copyright
- © All rights reserved. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland Swiss Plasma Center, 2021.
- Author
- (in alphabetical order)
Maurizio Giacomin mauri.nosp@m.zio..nosp@m.giaco.nosp@m.min@.nosp@m.epfl..nosp@m.ch
Emmanuel Lanti emman.nosp@m.uel..nosp@m.lanti.nosp@m.@epf.nosp@m.l.ch
Paola Paruta paola.nosp@m..par.nosp@m.uta@e.nosp@m.pfl..nosp@m.ch
Christoph Wersal chris.nosp@m.toph.nosp@m..wers.nosp@m.al@e.nosp@m.pfl.c.nosp@m.h