basic_mod.F90 File Reference

Basic module for time dependent problems. More...

#include "mpi_precomp.h"
+ Include dependency graph for basic_mod.F90:

Data Types

interface  basic_mod::gbs_allocate
interface  basic_mod::gbs_allocate_cuda
interface  basic_mod::allocate_managed_memory
interface  basic_mod::allocate_cuda_memory
interface  basic_mod::allocate_device_memory


module  basic_mod


subroutine basic_mod::daytim (str)
 Print date and time. More...
subroutine basic_mod::timera (cntrl, str, eltime)
 Timer routine. More...
integer function locate_timer (str)
 Check if specific timer exists and return its index in the timer array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_i1 (a, is1, ie1)
 Wrapper routine to allocate and initialize 1D double array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_i2 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2)
 Wrapper routine to allocate and initialize 2D integer array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_p1 (a, is1, ie1)
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_p2 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2)
 Wrapper routine to allocate and initialize 2D double array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_p3 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2, is3, ie3)
 Wrapper routine to allocate and initialize 3D double array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_p4 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2, is3, ie3, is4, ie4)
 Wrapper routine to allocate and initialize 4D double array. More...
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_cuda_dp4 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2, is3, ie3, is4, ie4)
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_cuda_dp3 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2, is3, ie3)
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_cuda_dp2 (a, is1, ie1, is2, ie2)
subroutine basic_mod::gbs_allocate_cuda_dp1 (a, is1, ie1)


type(tmpienv) basic_mod::mpi_env
 Structure containing all the MPI environments. More...
type(tfile) basic_mod::input_file
 Structure containing the input file information. More...
type(tinputenv) basic_mod::input
 Structure containing all the input namelists. More...
real(dp) basic_mod::time = 0.0_dp
 Current simulation time (Init from restart file) More...
real(dp) basic_mod::remaining_time
 Remaining time in the simulation. More...
integer, private basic_mod::ierr
 Flag for MPI error. More...
integer basic_mod::corresponding_rank
 Corresponding rank in the other communicator (plasma/neutrals) More...
integer basic_mod::jobnum = 0
 Job number. More...
integer basic_mod::stepp = 0
 Plasma calculation step of this run. More...
integer basic_mod::stepn = 0
 Neutrals calculation step of this run. More...
integer basic_mod::cstepp = 0
 Current stepP number (Init from restart file) More...
logical basic_mod::nlend = .false.
 Signal end of run. More...
logical basic_mod::nlforcediag = .false.
 Signal end of run. More...
logical basic_mod::nlcrash = .false.
 Signal crash of run. More...
integer basic_mod::iframe2d
 number of 2d datasets More...
integer basic_mod::iframe3d
 number of 3d datasets More...
logical basic_mod::parallel_neutrals
 Do neutrals in parallel to the plasma. More...
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::dspx2d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::rcx2d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::dspx1d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::rcx1d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::dspy2d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::rcy2d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::dspy1d
integer, dimension(:), pointer basic_mod::rcy1d
integer, parameter basic_mod::lu_debug = 93
 File used for debug purposes. More...
integer, parameter basic_mod::lu_stop = 91
 stop file, see subroutine TESEND More...
integer, parameter basic_mod::lu_job = 92
 myjob file More...
integer, parameter basic_mod::lu_eq = 94
 External equilibrium file. More...
integer basic_mod::lu_neu = 95
 File for neutrals stdout. More...
logical basic_mod::ltimer =.false.
integer basic_mod::starttimer =2
integer basic_mod::stoptimer =30

Detailed Description

Basic module for time dependent problems.

(in alphabetical order)
Patrick Emonts
Davide Galassi
Federico Halpern feder.nosp@m.ico..nosp@m.halpe.nosp@m.rn@e.nosp@m.pfl.c.nosp@m.h
Emmanuel Lanti
Christoph Wersal

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ locate_timer()

integer function timera::locate_timer ( character(len=*), intent(in)  str)

Check if specific timer exists and return its index in the timer array.

[in]strName of the timer to locate
Index of the timer in the array
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: