verification_mod.F90 File Reference

Variables and functions for the verification. More...


module  verification_mod


subroutine, public verification_mod::initialize_verification_param
 Compute some parameters needed for the verification. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::save_errors (fidres, iord3d)
 Save the estimated value of the errors. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::initialize_verification_profiles
subroutine, public verification_mod::time_rk4_update
 Define the time for the stepP i=1,...,4 of the RK4 algorithm. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::error_estimation
subroutine, public verification_mod::advance_fields
subroutine, public verification_mod::advance_strmf
subroutine, public verification_mod::advance_vpare
subroutine, public verification_mod::poisson_strmf_bc_verification
 Boundary condition for the solver of the poisson equation. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::poisson_vpare_bc_verification
 Boundary condition for the solver of the ampere equation. More...
real(dp) function verification_mod::strmf_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::density_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::omega_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::vpare_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::vpari_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::temperature_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::temperaturi_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function verification_mod::psi_f (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_strmf (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_theta (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_omega (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_omega_bouss ()
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_vpare (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_vpari (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_tempe (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_tempi (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::source_psi (iy, ix, iz)
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_theta
 Apply the boundary condition to the density. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_omega
 Apply the boundary condition to the vorticity. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_vpare
 Apply the boundary condition to the electron parallel velocity. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_vpari
 Apply the boundary condition to the ion parallel velocity. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_tempe
 Apply the boundary condition to the electron temperature. More...
subroutine, public verification_mod::bc_tempi
 Apply the boundary condition to the ion temperature. More...
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::div_poiss_noboussinesq (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::div_vpar_noboussinesq (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::omega_vect_1_ver (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::omega_vect_2_ver (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::poiss_omega_vect_1_ver (iy, ix, iz)
real(dp) function, public verification_mod::poiss_omega_vect_2_ver (iy, ix, iz)
subroutine verification_mod::allocate_errors_3d


integer verification_mod::ierr
real(dp), save verification_mod::a
real(dp), save verification_mod::qm
real(dp), save verification_mod::t_rk4 =0.0_dp
 the current time for the RK4 algorithm More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_strmf =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_strmf =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the potential More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_n =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_n =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the density More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_omega =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_omega =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of omega More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_vpare =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_vpare =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the electron parallel velocity More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_vpari =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_vpari =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the ion parallel velocity More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_te =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_te =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the temperature More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_ti =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_ti =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of the temperaturi More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_infinity_psi =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::error_l2_psi =0.0_dp
 estimation of the error of psi More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_strmf
 3D error on the potential More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_n
 3D error on the density More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_omega
 3D error on the omega More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_vpare
 3D error on the electron parallel velocity More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_vpari
 3D error on the ion parallel velocity More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_te
 3D error on the electron temperature More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_ti
 3D error on the ion temperature More...
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, private verification_mod::error_3d_psi
 3D error on psi More...
real(dp), save verification_mod::st1 =3.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::st2 =0.8_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::st3 =0.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::n1 =1.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::n2 =0.4_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::n3 =0.2_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::o1 =0.5_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::o2 =1.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::o3 =-0.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ve1 =0.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ve2 =1.0_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ve3 =0.2_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::vi1 =0.3_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::vi2 =0.9_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::vi3 =-0.2_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::te1 =1.2_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::te2 =0.5_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::te3 =0.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ti1 =1.1_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ti2 = 0.4_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::ti3 = 0.4_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::psi1 =0._dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::psi2 = 0.4_dp
real(dp), save verification_mod::psi3 = 0.4_dp

Detailed Description

Variables and functions for the verification.

(in alphabetical order)
Maurizio Giacomin
Emmanuel Lanti
Paola Paruta
Christoph Wersal