grad_cuda Module Reference


subroutine norm2 (array, norm)
subroutine grady_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradx_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradz_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine grady_n2v_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine grady_v2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradz_n2v_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradz_v2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine curv_reccuda (f_in, cur, f_out)
subroutine curv_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine curv_n2v_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine curv_v2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine interp_n2v_fd4cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine interp_v2n_fd4cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine scalxx_facuda (f_in, diff, f_out)
subroutine scalyy_facuda (f_in, diff, f_out)
subroutine gradpar_v2v_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradpar_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradpar_n2v_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradpar_v2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine arakw_hcuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_2hcuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_n2ncuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_n2vcuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_n2v_v2vcuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_n2n_v2ncuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine arakw_v2n_v2ncuda (A_in, B_in, C_out)
subroutine gradxx_n2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradyy_n2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradyy_v2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradzz_n2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradyz_v2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine grad2par_n2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine grad2par_v2vcuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradyy_n2vcuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradyz_n2vcuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine gradpar_curv_n2vcuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine curv_gradpar_v2ncuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine curv_curv_n2n_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine lapl_cuda (f_in, f_out)
subroutine fill_grad_aux_cuda
subroutine update_arrays_cuda (f_in, f_out)


double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer cur_cuda
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), pointer f_y

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ arakw_2hcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_2hcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_hcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_hcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_n2n_v2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_n2n_v2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_n2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_n2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_n2v_v2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_n2v_v2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_n2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_n2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arakw_v2n_v2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::arakw_v2n_v2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  A_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  B_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  C_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_curv_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_curv_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_gradpar_v2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_gradpar_v2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_n2v_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_n2v_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_reccuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_reccuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg), intent(in)  cur,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ curv_v2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::curv_v2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fill_grad_aux_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::fill_grad_aux_cuda

◆ grad2par_n2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::grad2par_n2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grad2par_v2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::grad2par_v2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradpar_curv_n2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradpar_curv_n2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradpar_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradpar_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradpar_n2v_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradpar_n2v_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradpar_v2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradpar_v2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradpar_v2v_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradpar_v2v_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradx_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradx_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradxx_n2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradxx_n2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grady_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::grady_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grady_n2v_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::grady_n2v_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ grady_v2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::grady_v2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradyy_n2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradyy_n2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradyy_n2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradyy_n2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradyy_v2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradyy_v2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradyz_n2vcuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradyz_n2vcuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradyz_v2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradyz_v2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradz_n2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradz_n2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradz_n2v_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradz_n2v_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradz_v2n_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradz_v2n_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gradzz_n2ncuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::gradzz_n2ncuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interp_n2v_fd4cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::interp_n2v_fd4cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interp_v2n_fd4cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::interp_v2n_fd4cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lapl_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::lapl_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ norm2()

subroutine grad_cuda::norm2 ( double precision, dimension(:,:,:)  array,
double precision  norm 

◆ scalxx_facuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::scalxx_facuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  diff,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ scalyy_facuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::scalyy_facuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  diff,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_arrays_cuda()

subroutine grad_cuda::update_arrays_cuda ( real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(in)  f_in,
real(dp), dimension(iysg:iyeg,ixsg:ixeg,izsg:izeg), intent(out)  f_out 

Variable Documentation

◆ cur_cuda

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer grad_cuda::cur_cuda

◆ f_y

double precision, dimension(:,:,:), pointer grad_cuda::f_y