gbspy.molecules_rhs module

This file compute the terms on the RHS of the thetaD2, gammaD2 and pressurD2 equations

@author Davide Mancini

gbspy.molecules_rhs.plot_sources_molneutrals(gbssim, z1=None, z2=None, t1=None, t2=None)

Plot and returns the density, the electron and the ions temperature sources considering molcules. The plot is averaged in z.

INPUT gbssim: simulation object z1: angle of the first slice z2: angle of the last slice t1: start time for the average t2: end time for the average

OUTPUT Sne: electron density source SnD: atomic ion density source SnD2: molecular ion density source Ste: electron temperature source/sink StD: ion temperature source/sink StD2: D2 ion temperature source/sink

gbspy.molecules_rhs.tempD2_rhs(gbssim, t1=None, t2=None, z1=None, z2=None)

Compute RHS terms of tempD2 equation

INPUT gbssim: simulation object t1: first time slice t2: second time slice z1: angle of the first slice z2: angle of the last slice

OUTPUT Return tempD2_rhs_nl, tempD2_rhs_cu, tempD2_rhs_pa, tempD2_rhs_em, tempD2_rhs_pd, tempD2_rhs_so, tempD2_rhs_di

gbspy.molecules_rhs.thetaD2_rhs(gbssim, t1=None, t2=None, z1=None, z2=None)

Compute RHS terms of thetaD2 equation

INPUT gbssim: simulation object t1: first time slice t2: second time slice z1: angle of the first slice z2: angle of the last slice

OUTPUT Return theta_rhs_nl, theta_rhs_cu, theta_rhs_pa, theta_rhs_em, theta_rhs_pd, theta_rhs_so, theta_rhs_di

gbspy.molecules_rhs.vparD2_rhs(gbssim, t1=None, t2=None, z1=None, z2=None)

Compute RHS terms of vparD2 equation

INPUT gbssim: simulation object t1: first time slice t2: second time slice z1: angle of the first slice z2: angle of the last slice

OUTPUT Return vparD2_rhs_nl, vparD2_rhs_pa, vparD2_rhs_gv, vparD2_rhs_di, vparD2_rhs_so