
Some blabla which explains that simulations are handled by the gbspy.Sim class, and that quantities are usually passed around as 4D numpy arrays.

Opening a simulation

A GBS simulation usually consists in a collection of numerically indexed result files (results_00.h5, results_01.h5, …), compagnion restart files (restart_00.h5, restart_01.h5, …), as well as a number of log files. The files with extension .h5 rely on the HDF5 storage format. The user may be familiar with storage conventions (such as NetCDF or CGNS) which also rely on the HDF5 format. The internal structure of GBS results, however, uses a custom format which will not be recognized by general purpose packages.

GBSpy provides a mechanism to read result files, typically by specifying a path to a directory containing a series of such files,

In [1]: import gbspy

In [2]: path = "/path/to/directory/containing/results"

In [3]: sim = gbspy.Sim(path)

In [4]: sim
Out[4]: <GBS simulation '/path/to/directory/containing/results' (0x14911a610b80)>

It is also possible to open individual result files if needed by passing a path to the relevant file instead of the simulation directory, as below,

In [5]: sim = gbspy.Sim("/path/to/directory/containing/results/results_43.h5")

In [6]: sim
Out[6]: <GBS simulation '/path/to/directory/containing/results' (0x14911a80fbe0)>

Loading tutorial datasets

If you want to start exploring the functionality of this toolbox but miss a full simulation, gbspy.tutorial.Sim() allows you to download and open sample simulations. An internet connection and about 50MB of disk space will be required for each sample, as well as having the pooch package installed.

You can thus start looking around by loading such a dataset, as will be done throughout this guide, with the snippet below.

In [7]: import gbspy.tutorial

In [8]: sim = gbspy.tutorial.Sim("tcv_neutrals")

In [9]: gbspy.plot2d(sim, "theta")